Moderator / Administrator analytics dashboard
Number of searches (MR: !31 (merged)) -
What is being searched for? (clustering?) (MR: !33 (merged)) (Possible improvements in issue: #24) -
Top 10 leaderboard (users that post the most, rate the most, comment the most, etc...) - (Most question asked: !34 (merged)) -
Time until answered? (Issue: #28 (closed), MR: !41 (merged)) -
Per user queries: number of question asked, number of answers given, etc. (Merge request) -
List of users by reputation gain, who are our active users. (WIP Alex. Issue: #29, MR: !43) -
Top n question askers/answerers for specific tags (in graph?), for a specific time frame (Related to Most question asked: !34 (merged)) (WIP Victor) -
Overview of by views rated posts -
Number of views on a question -
Somehow interaction rate? -
Showing social network groups (admin only) of who answers whom. -
Better way to identify top contributors than reputation (which is dependent on social network effects), can we correct this somehow and give a different number to identify useful questions/answers (i.e. upvoted by different people every time)? -
Passive browsers, people who never/rarely post questions or answers but who do view questions and answers regularly. List them as well. -
Views on old posts, to determine whether we want to delete them? -
Review queues might be relevant here -
Review queues, posts which are older, still getting some views, maybe the answer is outdated and needs updating, etc. -
Filters (e.g. ordered by no. views/no. ratings) -
Global and graph specific time periods
Edited by Alexandru-Dragos Manolache