Unhandled requests from old, closed labs show up in requests
Old timeslotted requests from previous can show up in the request table for a TA.
- The old request will always be from a course that TA has TA'd.
- The old request will always be a timeslotted request.
- The old request will always be unassigned and unhandled.
- The old request is always received by the TA through a websocket request.
In the following image, the upper request is pushed to the user. The upper request is from the 23rd of October whereas this picture was taken the 11th of november.
Whenever a lab is 'automagically closed', the requests that are open at that point are left open, but are no longer shown in the overview for the request table.
This works well for current labs.
However, the existing code for pushing timeslot updates does not check if a timeslot is of the current day.
The code related to this can be found in nl.tudelft.ewi.queue.tasks.RequestTasks
No check is in place for whether a timeslot was 'automagically closed':
Edited by Chris Lemaire