ResourceNotFoundException: EntityRepresentationModel not found!
Rooms that don't have a map image (yet), create resourceNotFoundExceptions (we are at several thousands exceptions and counting in Sentry...). We don't expect every room to have a map, so this should just be a 404 and no exception.
Sentry Issue: QUEUE-9P
ResourceNotFoundException: EntityRepresentationModel not found!
at nl.tudelft.queue.controller.RoomController.getRoomImageFile(
at nl.tudelft.queue.controller.RoomController$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$d3d95306.invoke(<generated>)
at nl.tudelft.queue.controller.RoomController$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$2780f9b9.getRoomImageFile(<generated>)
(120 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
A Request (/room/map/230) raised an exception