Html report redesign
Closes #210 (closed)
Html report is now generated with freemarker instead of the weird j2html package that was used before.
Refactor report generation in general to use freemarker. CPM report and HTML report are almost the same, except for the fact that CPM only allows pre tags. The same object is passed to both the CPM and HTMLReport template.
Refactored CPM report generator and HTML report generator. Removed J2HTML Updated
Abstract base Freemarker ReportGenerator class.
Test and Review
To be filled in by the reviewers
All of the methods are commented to expectation -
The methods are tested to satisfaction -
There are no unnecessary files present in the MR -
The continuous integration has no problems with the MR -
The MR is filled in as requested (including labels, milestones, and reviewers) -
The documentation is up-to-date -
All nullable parameters are marked as such