Adds CORS support to the core.
CORS is a security feature enforced by the browser. Now the UI could potentially be served from a different origin, browsers may block API calls to the core. This MR introduces ways to whitelist such origins.
- The global settings are actually global now and are loaded statically before the server boots
- The security configuration has been restructured to make more sense.
- A CORS allowed API origins setting, which is a list of permitted origins. This has to be edited into the settings.json file, however; the settings UI breaks this but I'd rather clean all the bathrooms in the library with my tongue than fix the old settings UI
- A CORS preflight patch filter, which awards a CORS-specific authorization to preflight requests only.
- A CORS error header-patch filter, which forces headers upon valid CORS requests where Spring didn't add any
Test and Review
To be filled in by the reviewers
All of the methods are commented to expectation -
The methods are tested to satisfaction -
There are no unnecessary files present in the MR -
The continuous integration has no problems with the MR -
The MR is filled in as requested (including labels, milestones, and reviewers) -
The documentation is up-to-date -
All nullable parameters are marked as such
Edited by Erik Oudsen