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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • Resolving this bug as a student results in a reward. Contact for details.
  • High difficulty
  • Low difficulty
  • Medium difficulty
  • This issue should be solved as soon as possible (it has a major impact)
  • priohigh
    This issue should be fixed within one week
  • priolow
    This issue should be fixed within 6 months
  • priomed
    This issue should be fixed within a month
  • Issues blocked by other tasks, and/or depending on someone/something else.
  • The problem cannot be reproduced by a developer
  • The issue has been reproduced by a developer
  • This issue still needs discussion
  • This issue is currently being worked on
  • Further information/input is required before a developer can proceed
  • Needs to be verified first by a developer
  • We decided not to do this. Open a new issue when needed.