WIP: Resolve "UI Bugs and Design Changes"
What does this mr do?
Apply a whole bunch of small UI changes and solve some UI bugs.
- Change the "notification bell icon" to "notifications" on a medium sized screen
- Switch queue and hamburger menu (on mobile) → keep the menu positions consistent
- Show in the mobile menu if you have notifications
- Make selected menu item more subtle, not black. E.g. underline or dark blue
- Add animation to hamburger menu
- Fix personal user menu to match the whole menu
- Fix the footer on mobile such that the logo and the privacy statement are next to each other
- Give footer a margin-top to get a separation on mobile
- Add margins to mobile course view
- On notifications page (mobile), opening the menu => notifications item flashes blue
- On notifications page (mobile), make title and clear all button fit on one line
- While enqueued, the position in the queue is the most important => increase font of the number/center it
- Show rooms in lab info in a more structured way
Change the "notification bell icon" to "notifications" on a medium sized screen
Switch queue and hamburger menu (on mobile) → keep the menu positions consistent
Show in the mobile menu if you have notifications

- Make selected menu item more subtle

Fix the footer on mobile such that the logo and the privacy statement are next to each other

- Add margins to mobile course view

- On notifications page (mobile), make title and clear all button fit on one line

- While enqueued, the position in the queue is the most important => increase font of the number/center it

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
I have added a changelog entry to reflect the significant changes I made. -
Tests were created to test the feature. -
I have updated the documentation accordingly. -
I adhere to the style guide.
Closes #294 (closed)
Edited by Chris Lemaire