Implement general workflow
Create pages -
Teacher make job offer -
Student applies -
Teacher accept/reject student
Application should be linked to Job Offers, Job Offers to editions.
- Teacher activates Job Offer for a Course Edition.
- Student submits an application (status: SUBMITTED).
- Teacher can either:
- reject TA (status: REJECTED_BY_TEACHER) and workflow stops
- accept TA (status: OFFERED)
- student can either:
- reject position (status: REJECTED_BY_STUDENT) and workflow stops
- accept offer (status: ACCEPTED)
- TA role for student is added to Labracore
How should the user interface look like?
Needs of the stakeholders:
Teacher everywhere
- can make and edit job offer for their courses
- can see general list of people that applied for a course and are awaiting a reply (teacher approves / rejects them)
- can see detailed list of people with filters (time, person, status)
- advanced: cross-job-offer filter, eg: see if a person applied both for a "TA" position and a "mentor" in one course, or if they had this job in the previous edition
Student everywhere
- can see offers for courses (and apply)
- can see and manage their open applications
- can see their finished applications
Head TA
- can edit some job offers
- can apply to other job offers
- can see list of applications for a job offer they ta
- can see list of their applications
- a head ta role contains both teacher and student so it is the most general one
- make 4 pages:
- job offers (apply)
- job offers (manage)
- create new job offer
- job offer detail page
- edit job offer
- manage applications
- other stuff?
- my applications
Edited by Marko Matušovič