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Master market v1.0

Taico Aerts requested to merge master-market-fixes into development

Changes to the master market to make it usable for version 1.0.


  • Focus has been put on themes rather than thesis projects.
  • Themes show a list of thesis projects on the side
  • There is a page showing all research groups
  • It is possible to express interest in a theme


  • Themes now have a contact
  • The emails that are sent to a contact have been improved
  • Students have to enter a message which is sent to the contact along with the email
  • Emails are sent on behalf of the student sending it, so they can be replied to directly

Searching (#146 (closed))

We now use elasticsearch for searching for themes and thesis projects.

  • Added tags to research groups, themes and thesis projects
  • Added elasticsearch for searching through names, descriptions and tags.
  • Added autocompletion to tags for searches.

Limits (#150 (closed))

Students are limited in expressing interest in at most n themes/thesis projects. n can be set per course edition. There are also daily limits of the same height to prevent users from expressing interest, revoking it, and then expressing interest again.

Associated programmes

Programmes can now be associated to research groups. In the future we will start collecting study programme from the Single Sign-On. We can then map a user and their study programme to the research groups they should see in their master market course. Currently, it is not possible to determine which research groups should be shown to a student, and all research groups in the system are shown.


Many general improvements have been made to the master market and its representation to staff and students.

Closes #150 (closed)
Closes #146 (closed)
Closes #82 (closed)

Edited by Taico Aerts

Merge request reports
